Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Use of Veneers in Restorative Dentistry Green Bay, WI

Oral health is very important and if your teeth are missing or hurting, eating becomes a problem and with that it can be difficult to get proper nutrition. Restorative dentistry makes reference to the kind of integrated management that restores the mouth back to an aesthetic and functional state.  Restorative dentistry Green Bay, WI, carries out the necessary procedures to ensure that your teeth look good and do their job well. 

One of the things that can be done is to have veneers put in.  These are usually thin, made of porcelain, and are custom made for your teeth.  They are attached to the teeth by bonding and will change the length, shape, size and color of your teeth for the better.  Dental veneers Green Bay, WI, are used to fix teeth that are:

·         Worn down
·         Discolored
·         Broken or chipped
·         Gapped
·         Misaligned, irregularly shaped or uneven

To have this done, you need to visit the dentist three times.  The first time is usually a consultation.  After this the veneers are made and then applied in the following two visits.  As part of restoration, any missing teeth can be replaced. When all is said and done, you will have a beautiful white smile.

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